
Brave is a popular choice in browsing thanks to its focus on privacy, ad and tracker blocking, and the fact that using it is a move away from mainstream browsers. If you’ve heard the name, you’ve likely heard of Brave Ads and Brave Rewards. However, if Brave Wallet slipped under your radar, this article will
When you buy a smartphone, you’d ideally ensure it has enough storage space to meet your needs. Unfortunately, not everyone’s needs are the same. Some users are hoarders and need more storage, while others can do just fine with the bare minimum. Finding how much storage you’d actually use will help you avoid the dreadful
Ever since OnePlus popularized them, high refresh rate displays have become commonplace in the smartphone industry. As a result, buyers today actively seek out faster displays when buying a new phone to get a smoother experience. But there’s another important feature that doesn’t get enough attention: touch sampling rate. This article will discuss what touch
Today, over 100 million people own Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency. However, while crypto ownership is widespread, it is far from evenly distributed. In fact, less than 1% of Bitcoin owners harbor almost a third of the current supply. But, who are these Bitcoin billionaires, and how much do they own? 1. Satoshi Nakamoto Satoshi
Wordle — the daily secret word game — has taken social media by storm recently. With its little green, yellow, and grey-coloured square emojis, the game has flooded social media feeds to become a viral trend. Developed by a Brooklyn-based software engineer named Josh Wardle, Wordle is slightly similar to crossword and a sudoku puzzle.
Google Fi, which launched in 2015 as Project Fi, is the company’s attempt to make mobile phone service better. Instead of trying to compete with traditional phone carriers, Google teamed up with cellular giants to provide affordable phone service, along with some extra perks. If you’re thinking of hopping on board, here’s everything you need
After the events of the past two years, working from home has become nothing short of the norm for millions of people worldwide. But it’s not always as simple as using your laptop or desktop. Sometimes, a few valuable gadgets can make working from home much more convenient and enjoyable. So, which gadgets are great
From Bitcoin to altcoins, the number of digital currencies continues to rise. The role airdrops have played in growing cryptocurrency adoption can seldom be overemphasized. Crypto airdrops have offered many people, especially newbies and those with little cash, the opportunity to have a share in the cryptocurrency largesse. But what exactly are cryptocurrency airdrops? What
Over the past few years, you’ve probably heard the word “crypto” at least a couple of times, even if you have no real interest in it. The word “crypto” or “cryptocurrency” has become widely known, but “DeFi,” another emerging trend, is less well-known. So, what is DeFi, how does it relate to cryptocurrency, and is
It is common knowledge that code is written by a developer and how humans communicate to computers. However, have you ever thought about how software such as code interacts with computer hardware such as a CPU (Central Processing Unit)? If the answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place. To understand how code
Bots have become a familiar and constant, if unwelcome, presence on the internet. While many are mostly harmless or even helpful, malicious ones are increasingly common. These bad bots now account for a substantial portion of cyberattacks. Despite being so commonplace, bad bot attacks don’t always receive the same attention as other types of cybercrime.
With the variety of audio entertainment available on your phone, you probably want an easy way to enjoy your music, podcasts, audiobooks, and other content in your vehicle. But what’s the best and easiest way to play music in your car from your device? Let’s explore your options for playing music from your phone to
Did you know that files you store digitally (on CDs, hard disk drives, solid-state drives, memory cards) are more fragile than physical files? That’s right: just as our photographs and printed files yellow and wear out over time, similar things also happen to your digital files and data. So, are your digital files safe? How